Tuesday 12 March 2013

poss. Mycena viscidocruenta

poss. Mycena viscidocruenta ~ The Ruby Bonnet

I nearly walked straight past these little fellows, luckily their vibrancy caught my eye at the last moment!
I founds these on a ramble through the Huon valley in Tasmania, on a lovely crisp late-Autumn morning. 
In his book, A Field Guide To The Fungi of Australia (2010), A.M.Young defines 
Mycena Viscidocruenta as:

   "Cap 0.5-1cm, bright red to blood red, usually darker at the centre,
convex to campanulate, viscid to slimy, smooth, radially striate.
Flesh reddish, very thin. 
Gills adnate, often with a small decurrent tooth,pink to red. 
Stem 0.1-0.15cm, colour similar to cap, cylindrical, hollow,
smooth, viscid to glutinous, rather tough."

Mycena viscidocruenta is found on small twigs and
other litter in forests and woodlands

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