Tuesday 12 March 2013

Mycena interrupta

Mycena interrupta ~ Pixie's Parasol

"The blue Pixie's Parasol appears in small colonies on rotting wood in rainforest and eucalypt or beech forest. An interesting characteristic is that it frequently emerges from the side of the rotting logs and so the stems are usually curved. Its Queensland distribution is limited to the high-altitude beech forests of Lamington National Park."
-A.M.Young, A Field Guide to the Fungi of Australia (2010)

These were photographed in the mountains of the Huon valley in Tasmania on a crisp Autumn morning after a nice soaking, growing on and under blue gums.
The whole forest was a multicoloured carpet of fruiting bodies; however, I could not help but find myself captivated by these amazingly blueberry-esque beauties.

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